In the midst of preparation for Holy Week and Easter the Rambo family has received some sad yet exciting news. We all know that this time every year there is always the possibility I will get the call from our District Superintendent that Bishop McAlilly has projected that we will move to a different church. No such call has come the last 10 years and we have been able to enjoy season of ministry at First Church that is longer than you normally see in a Methodist Church.
Living the Journey of Lent
Did you know that Lent is upon us? This Wednesday night, March 6th, we will be celebrating our Ash Wednesday service to mark the beginning of the season of Lent. It is my prayer that you start this Lenten season off with a new focus and commitment to allowing God to refine you in a special way during this time.
The Journey Forward
Finding Joy in Quarantine
Greetings from my Quarantine Headquarters in an undisclosed location in that part of Memphis east of Highland us Mid-town/Downtowners are not very familiar with.
In all seriousness, many of you have heard of my trials of this past week and have reached out with encouragement and love and it has truly encouraged me.
Abound in Hope
Receiving Grace in this Season
better time. I want to challenge us all not to let whatever modifications we have to make to our celebrations and worship throughout keep you from experiencing the injection of grace God wants us to receive from this time. We desperately need to be open and ready to receive grace, healing, strength and purpose for the days to come.
This is the Year God has Made!
This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)
What a year it has been so far! Everywhere I read, I see someone half-joking about how disastrous a year 2020 has been so far. If there ever has been a year where we are prone to having a “glass half empty” assessment of how things are so far, this one qualifies.