Greetings from my Quarantine Headquarters in an undisclosed location in that part of Memphis east of Highland us Mid-town/Downtowners are not very familiar with.
In all seriousness, many of you have heard of my trials of this past week and have reached out with encouragement and love and it has truly encouraged me. In short, I am in quarantine because my dad tested positive for Covid this past Saturday and is currently in the hospital. Currently, his vitals are good and it has not impacted his breathing which is very good. I was with him for many hours after he tested positive and before he was hospitalized so I am quarantined away from everyone.
As I have communicated multiple times in 2020 and now 2021, my heart keeps resonating with Psalm 118:24. Especially in the midst of challenging days, months, and years. Actually, this article is probably going to have some of the same thoughts I've expressed before but it is a reflection of how God is breaking through to me today and I'm confident can minister to some of you.
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.- Psalm 118:24
As I read the surrounding verses, I realize the Psalmist is by no means trying to gloss over the struggles and trials of his life or minimize whatever circumstances the hearer of this psalm is living through. In fact, in this same psalm we read:
v 5 Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free.
v 13 I was pushed hard, so that I was falling, but the Lord helped me.
Throughout Psalm 18 we see a pattern of the psalmist acknowledging his deep trials, calling out to the Lord, and finding joy in God's hand in his life. There are two primary ways this psalm speaks to me today and hopefully you:
- All too often we want to ignore, push past, or minimize our struggles. We need to call out to the Lord in the midst of whatever we may be facing and we will find He hears us, walks with us, and empowers us push forward each day.
- We need to rejoice! The times we most need to stop and look for the light is when it's hardest to find. Take time to stop and look where God's hand is at work and rejoice in that. The times we need to rejoice in God's faithfulness most is usually when we feel it the least.
In the midst of what has been a particularly challenging day today, I have found God break through more than usual with reminders of His love and grace giving me fuel for rejoicing! Join me!