There is nothing I look forward to in ministry each week more than Worship each Sunday. It is the time we all come from all around the area from all kinds of experiences throughout the week and join together in celebrating the love of Jesus in our lives. We are reminded each week that we are not alone as we each seek to be faithful disciples every day. We are also equipped and filled to go out as ambassadors of Jesus.
While there is still so much uncertainty with the COVID-19 outbreak and how it will spread, what we do know is that all evidence seems to indicate we will see a rapid increase in people getting the virus and there are certain more vulnerable age groups that could be seriously impacted. One thing I love about First Church is the wide age range of people worshiping each Sunday morning. In our congregation we have many people who are in the most at-risk category for the virus.
I have wrestled deeply and sought input from many about whether or not we should cancel worship Sunday morning. It is no small matter to cancel worship and I didn’t want to make a decision to close based solely on what everyone else is doing.
But after much prayer and consideration, we are going to cancel worship for this Sunday and all First Church meetings and gatherings for the next 7 days.
This afternoon Bishop McAlilly sent out a message urging churches to consider canceling services confirming for me this is the right decision. Next Thursday or Friday we will reassess and make a decision for the following 7 days. As decisions are made, they will be put on the website ( and on our Facebook Page.
While it is no real substitute for worshiping together, I am going to live stream a time of prayer and a devotion Sunday Morning at 11:00. It will either be streamed through Facebook or a link to the stream will be available on our Facebook page and on our website.
As we go through this short time of increased isolation in the coming weeks, I suggest all of us implement the following things to counteract our loneliness or the loneliness of others:
Spend more time in God’s Word. Let’s all commit to reading through the book of John between now and Easter Sunday.
Spend more time in Prayer. Take extra time each day to pray for each other, First Church, the City, our country, and our world. Our prayers actually do matter.
Connect with someone who you suspect might be lonely. There are some who just don’t have a lot of family and friends who this time of isolation will impact a lot more. Find ways to bless them and let them know they are not alone.
If you are in need, call me or someone you know cares. Even if you just need to hear a friendly voice.
I will miss you all this Sunday and every week we are unable to gather.
Grace and Peace,
Andy Rambo, Pastor