Being Faithful in the Midst of a Pandemic.

Greetings from the Pastor for the people of First Church.
As we are all entering into the early phases of the Covid-19 virus and information seems to be flooding in from every direction, I wanted everyone who comes through the doors of First Church to know we will be taking some extra precautions to reduce the risk of any virus spreading. I have sent out a letter to all groups who use our space daily or weekly with guidance on how to clean the space(especially handles and doorknobs after they are done.).
We are monitoring the rapidly changing information and will change our policies and procedures accordingly.
Honestly, it has been difficult to decide exactly how to respond pastorally to the virus. I always want to be cautious not to feed into any panic while at the same time want to be as safe and responsible as I can. I guess we all deal with finding that balance. As we move forward through this time, my prayer will be that we can be as responsible as possible without interrupting the essential ministry taking place each and every day at First Church.
As followers of Jesus, we will have more opportunities to reflect Jesus and serve others if this progresses. Here are a few ways that come to mind:

  1. Offer words of hope and be a calming presence to others in the midst of increasing stress and fear.

  2. If we have to become a more isolated culture for a little while, make sure you call and reach out to those who you know will be the most lonely and needing encouragement.

  3. If things get really inconvenient and you feel people are overreacting, try and stay positive and know keep those at most risk in your prayers.

  4. Dig into your scriptures and be reminded that even when crisis big and small hit, God is still in control and will guide us through it.

Also, please take a look at the video and information made available by Bishop McAlilly at Bishop’s Covid-19 Resources .

Grace and Peace,

Andy, Pastor