This is the Year God has Made!

Greetings First Church Family,  

This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

What a year it has been so far! Everywhere I read, I see someone half-joking about how disastrous a year 2020 has been so far. If there ever has been a year where we are prone to having a “glass half empty” assessment of how things are so far, this one qualifies.

We are still in the midst of a major pandemic killing thousands and hindering everyone from living life fully day to day. We have witnessed the fruits of many years of racism and injustice forcing each of us to take a deep look inside ourselves. The upcoming presidential election has sent so many to their “corners” ready to come out swinging instead of engaging in a discourse of ideas.

Personally, many of us have suffered the death of someone we love without being able to be present to say goodbye or celebrate their life with family and friends. Those who were already feeling isolated and alone have experienced aloneness exponentially the last six months. Many have had to postpone weddings and other major life events. We haven’t even been able to gather together for worship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. It has been rough to say the least.

What if we were to stand here today and still declare, This is the YEAR that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Can we make that declaration without a certain level of denial to the realities of this year? Can we be glad even when our hearts are filled with anxiety and sorrow? Can we rejoice when it seems each day has a level of seriousness and intensity that is wearing us down?

Absolutely! That is exactly the message we should be proclaiming to all who will hear. God sent His son Jesus into a world of chaos and suffering to usher in his Kingdom of joy and redemption. Jesus suffered the greatest act of injustice on the way to resurrection and victory. Instead giving us a quick fix to all our problems personal and global, Jesus chose to abide within us and give us a reason to rejoice as we face each day. If we pay close attention each day, we can see Jesus offering us a path of joy in the midst of all that we face. It is that joy that will fill us and fuel us in through this difficult journey.

Say it with me, This is the YEAR that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Grace and Peace,
