Don't Miss Holy Week!

Don't Miss Holy Week!

I highly suggest all of you participate in as many of the services we are offering this week as you can. Your celebration of Easter on Sunday will be greatly impacted by your participation in these services.

Service Schedule:

Maundy Thursday- Tonight at 7:00 -- If you're not already planning on coming tonight for the Maundy Thursday Service, do whatever you can to be here. It is always an incredibly meaningful service for me and I promise it will help fix you in the right mind and spirit as we head into Easter.

Second Sunday

Second Sunday

Greetings from the beautiful and steamy Downtown Memphis! I am incredibly excited about our First Sunday in the new sanctuary on August 5. My excitement grows as I read people’s comments on Facebook and hear so many people tell me how thrilled they are to see us once again have a sanctuary for worship once again.  I am amazed when I think back over the last year and all that has gone into this building project.



Greetings from 1st Church, the dynamic outpost of incredible ministry in the name of Jesus Christ! As we are in the final stretch towards August 5th, our First Sunday in the new Sanctuary, I am absolutely amazed at how much has been accomplished by God through you the people of First Church.  It was just over a year ago when I put a vision before each of you I felt God was leading us as a community to fulfill.

First Sunday

First Sunday

Greetings on a beautiful Spring day in Downtown Memphis!  If you have worshiped with us in the last few weeks, you may have noticed a little bit of a trend in the New Testament scripture I have been preaching from. It's been the same scripture passage for a few weeks. I promise I have not run out of ideas or options for scriptures to preach from. I have chosen to spend a few weeks on Matthew 28:16-20 for a very important reason.