Greetings from Downtown Memphis on one of those rare days in Memphis where the weather hits just right!
I love coming home! No matter where I've been it is really fun coming home. Even before Thomas was able to respond to my arrival, coming home and knowing Molly and my boys were excited to see me always gave me a burst of Joy. Now that Thomas is 14 months old, he is very much aware of my arrival and coming home has become even more fun. Thomas get really excited. His excitement is greatly aided by Molly getting him fired up chanting "Dadda" before I get to the door. When I walk in, he lets out a fun squeal followed by "DADDA!" Immediately following, Thomas points to the top of the piano and says, "Sssshhhhh, Sssssshhhhh". He knows his outside shoes are kept on top of the piano and getting me to put them on him is the first step towards getting me to take him outside.
Taking Thomas outside in the front yard to walk around and explore is no easy feat. Our front yard isn't really big so the street and other driveways are very close by. Fortunately he is far less likely to put things in his mouth now than he was a couple months ago so he is allowed to pick up sticks and leaves and carry them around. As soon as he has his "Sssshhhhs" on and he hits the ground, the collecting of things begins. He quickly grabs a piece of bark, a small stick, or whatever he sees first. Each object in each hand is immediately upgraded when he comes across a better stick or whatever object strikes him as better. This process continues for the entire time we are outside inevitably ending in tears at the end when it is time to go inside and he must part with his objects.
During this time of hunting and gathering, there are a few rare occasions when Thomas will come by some particular stick or object that calls deep into his heart causing him to drop whatever he is currently holding and pick it up with both hands. He will then hold his head up high and walk around putting his newly discovered prize to use in any way he can come up with.
One afternoon as I followed Thomas and watched this scenario play out once again, I could almost hear God saying to me, "Thats how I want you to receive me". So often my hand are full and holding tightly to whatever thoughts, problems, plans, things I have chosen to cling to that day. What once seemed to be "worthy" of my attention, emotions, and focus is often replaced by something else as soon as I stumble upon it. All to often I'm satisfied just walking around with my hands full until I find something else.
Throughout the day God will present himself to us in a multitude of different ways. He will present himself through time we read scripture, or through time in prayer. He will present himself through opportunities to serve others or may just a beautiful day. If we keep our eyes open, God will reveal Himself. When we see the things of God before us, make sure you drop everything else you are clinging so tightly to and take joy in receiving God. We all need to learn more to let go, be excited and celebrate the things of God more throughout each day. If we will, we will find many of the other things we cling to so tightly fade away.